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Implementing a number of initial review visits to NGOs that have passed the first visit stage to obtain a certificate of institutional commitment.

News Details

Apr 26, 2024

Friday 4-26-2024

In light of the launch of the first version of the Institutional Commitment Certificate for NGOs, which aims to emphasize the integration and activation of the principles of the Code of Professional Conduct in Egyptian NGOs, which is the code that was launched by the Foundation under The umbrella of the Ministry of Social Solidarity and the Supreme Committee for Civil Action Organizations to Combat Corruption.

The review team of the NGO Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit at the Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Work of the Misr El Kheir Foundation carried out initial review visits to (12) NGOs during the third week of April. For civil associations that have passed the first visit stage to obtain the institutional commitment certificate, in the various governorates of Egypt, from a number of (38) partner organizations of the Misr Al Khair Foundation that have applied to obtain the certificate.

It is worth noting that the Certificate of Commitment is provided to NGOs that meet the fulfillment and application of a number of standards according to the following institutional areas:

(Integrity - Transparency - Accountability - Commitment to local agreements and national strategies - Focus on development priorities and good governance - Right to access to information - Equality - Influence and effectiveness - Strengthening partnership - Participation)

This is to ensure improved performance and social productivity of the organization within society.

📝 Advantages of obtaining a certificate of institutional commitment:

🟢 Enhancing the organization’s credibility and transparency before donors, partners, and beneficiaries

🟢 Improving the organization's performance and achieving the best results in achieving its goals and mission

🟢 Attract more funding and support from donors and social investors

🟢 Promoting and consolidating moral values ​​at all levels of work and decision-making

🟢 Contributing to sustainable development through the organization’s commitment to quality and sustainability standards

Note that the Misr El Kheir Foundation provides the service of issuing the certificate this year as a full grant from the Arab Center affiliated with the Misr El Kheir Foundation, without any fees being borne by the organizations that meet the conditions and obtain the certificate

For more details about the accreditation process for institutional compliance, please visit the following link